Inclusive educational strategies: a study of teaching practices in a private educational center


  • Cecilia Maria García Ramírez Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



education, teaching, learning, inclusive education, educational strategies


OBJECTIVE: Determine the inclusive educational strategies applied by teachers in a private educational center. METHOD: A study was carried out from the constructivist paradigm, with a qualitative approach and an ethnographic design. The principal, nine teachers and 155 students were taken as a sample. RESULTS: Presence without distinction, equitable participation and progress of all students in the teaching-learning process was manifested, through the application of inclusive educational strategies such as active, collaborative, experiential and playful methodologies, the findings highlight the benefits for the entire community educational, teachers receive training and students improve their academic performance by stimulating the achievement of skills, with equal opportunities and preparing for real life. The disadvantages are classified as contextual and, in the classroom, they denote sociocultural difficulties, lack of awareness in families and increased teaching work.   CONCLUSION: The educational center denotes presence, participation and monitoring of the academic progress of all students without distinction in equal opportunities. Inclusive educational strategies are beneficial for the entire school by responding to the diversity of students and resulting in quality education for all.

Author Biography

Cecilia Maria García Ramírez, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudiante del Doctorado en Innovación y Tecnología Educativa (USAC), Magíster en Innovación Tecnología Educativa (UVG), Coach Educativa Internacional (UVG –Bou), Post-grado en Formador de Formadores, del Consorcio de Universidades, Licenciada en Psicopedagogía (UVG) y Profesora Especializada en Problemas de Aprendizaje UVG. Delegada DISFAM-Guatemala y promotora de la educación inclusiva en Guatemala.


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How to Cite

García Ramírez, C. M. (2024). Inclusive educational strategies: a study of teaching practices in a private educational center. Revista Científica Avances En Ciencia Y Docencia, 1(2), 33–43.


