Cell phones: Enemies of the educational community or allies of learning?


  • Kevyn Lester Francisco López Coroy Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala




cellular phones, information technology, students, teachers


OBJECTIVE: to identify the perception of students, teachers and principals about the prohibition of cell phone use in educational establishments medium level public in zone 12 and 21 of the capital city of Guatemala. METHOD: for this article the approach presented was qualitative with descriptive scope, with a sample of 203 students, 32 teachers and 2 principals of public educational establishments RESULTS: students want to use the cell phone in all areas of their lives, including education, and when it is prohibited it generates annoyance, frustration and they see it as a punishment since adolescents are accustomed to using the cell phone at all times. The teachers explained that the cell phone should not be used because of the misuse that the students give it and they agree with the prohibition; but many of the teachers are aware that prohibiting the cell phone has not been functional because the students continue to carry and use it in the school; likewise, the principals are aware that using the cell phone in educational institutions would be beneficial and is a good resource, however, they recognize that the students do not know how to use the cell phone for academic purposes. CONCLUSION: both teachers and principals are not against technology or the use of cell phones in the classroom because they are aware of what a good resource it is, but they are against it because of the misuse that students make of it.

Author Biography

Kevyn Lester Francisco López Coroy, Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Estudia la Maestría en Investigación en la Facultad de Humanidades de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Licenciado en la Enseñanza del Idioma Español y Literatura en la Escuela de Formación de Profesores de Enseñanza Media EFPEM, de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala; Profesor de Enseñanza Media en Lengua y Literatura de la Escuela de Formación de Profesores de Enseñanza Media EFPEM de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Guatemala, Ciudad de Guatemala.


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How to Cite

López Coroy, K. L. F. (2024). Cell phones: Enemies of the educational community or allies of learning?. Revista Científica Avances En Ciencia Y Docencia, 1(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.70939/revistadiged.v1i1.13


