The philosophy of mathematics: from ontology and epistemology to school


  • Juan Carlos Ruiz Castillo Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala



mathematics philosophy, applied mathematics, computational mathematics, educational mathematics


OBJECTIVE: address the foundations of the philosophy of mathematics, the nature and scope of mathematical knowledge, exploring questions about the existence of mathematical objects. METHOD: an analytical and critical approach was used and a deep philosophical analysis of various branches of mathematics was carried out, exploring questions about their nature, scope and application. Ontological, epistemological, ethical, and pedagogical perspectives are examined to better understand mathematical knowledge. RESULTS: this paper presents results that reflect a broad philosophical exploration of mathematics, including discussions on mathematical ontology, epistemology, mathematical logic, the philosophy of applied mathematics, and the philosophy of computing and computational mathematics. These results provide a deeper understanding of the philosophical implications surrounding the study and application of mathematics in various contexts. CONCLUSION: philosophical inquiry in mathematics addresses the nature of mathematical objects, the acquisition and justification of knowledge in mathematics, and ethical and pedagogical implications. Various philosophical currents such as formalism, intuitionism, Platonism, constructivism, and nominalism offer different perspectives on these issues. This philosophical approach enriches our understanding of mathematics from multiple angles, enabling a deeper exploration of its nature and applications in different fields.

Author Biography

Juan Carlos Ruiz Castillo , Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala

Doctorando en Investigación, Maestría en Ciencias en Didáctica de la Matemática con mención honorifica Magna Summa Cum Laude, Maestría en Ciencias en Formación Docente, Licenciatura en la Enseñanza de la Matemática y la Física, Profesor en Enseñanza Media Especializado en Física-Matemática, egresado de la Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala. Experiencia en investigaciones: publicación de diversos estudios en distintas revistas internacionales y nacionales, amplia experiencia en la enseñanza en el nivel diversificado y universitario. Profesor de la Cátedra de Matemática en EFPEM.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Castillo , J. C. (2024). The philosophy of mathematics: from ontology and epistemology to school. Revista Científica Avances En Ciencia Y Docencia, 1(1), 37–41.


